[Selling] Tarkov Accounts, $24 Standard (GLOBAL) $70 EOD (GLOBAL) WUNNINS SERVICES! 04/10/2021 - Escape from Tarkov Trading - 1 Replies ABOUT THESE ACCOUNTS:
REGIONS: Europe, America, Asia, Oceania
Game Purchase Country will be mine, but buyers can play from ANY SERVER.
You will be the first owner of this account!
Standard Account: $26
EOD Account: $85
DISCORD: Wunnins#7502
Selling/trading seafight accounts on global eurrope 5 and global america 2 02/15/2013 - Browsergames Trading - 11 Replies Hey,
I am selling two accounts here:
1. global america 2: Cannon loader 2, 15 skills, 162 admiral cannons, lvl 17, elvl 18
2.global europe 5: cannon loader 5, astrolabe 3, gunpowder flask 3, 217k pearls, 20 skills, 224 admiral cannons, 234 level 2 repair cannons, lvl 11, elvl 15
Because I got scammed in the past: Only with middleman or you give first. Don't contact me if you don't accept this.
PM me if you are interested with an offer. Payment only via PayPal. You can also trade...
[WTB]Your HoN Legacy accounts[WTB] Your HoN accounts! [WTB] Your HoN accounts! 04/06/2012 - Trading - 3 Replies Hey guys,
instead of searching the forum for people selling their accounts I decided to start a thread.
I'm always looking to buy HoN accounts, up to 20$ per account, always depending on stuff and stats. So you can contact me here if you want to get rid off your account fast and if it fits my needs.
Edit: I have not copied the threadname multiple times, don't know why it shows up 3 times, sorry for that.