[WTT WTS]bagi 142 seg 120 trieste for dekaron dil and also trieste dil for 11/19/2008 - Dekaron Trading - 2 Replies want trade bail lvl 142 wwith a lot of coins and many stuff from d shop and and same for the seg
they almos necked
and also trade 112 mil fro trieste to dekaron dil and
bagi armor 136 7+ 4x29 boots 132 7+ for bagi pants 130 7+ and wep 130 7+ (for bagi)
all this for dil in dekaron got some l3 gloves around 220 coppers and 20 silvers
and a lot more send me a PM or offer here
for Dekaron EUR ofc
no scammer and shit like that
WTS lvl 118 mage on trieste for dil on trieste 10/29/2008 - Trading - 19 Replies I'm willing to sell a lvl 118 mage on trieste for dil on trieste.
Heres a screenshot:
http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/5445/dekaron20 08102016h28m56so8.jpg
http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/9415/dekaron20 08102016h29m46ya7.jpg
Please leave your offers/msn here. Thanks
WTS Summ lv92 on trieste = 70m DIL on trieste 10/06/2008 - Trading - 3 Replies WTS Summ lv92 on trieste
+josma +4 +3sk(52, 48, 48 dmg)
+Amore, glove, boots lv 90 +3, Helm lv90 +436 hp +388MP
+Pant normaly
I sell = 70m DIL on trieste