WTT summoner lvl 166 for a lvl 165+ aloken 11/01/2011 - Dekaron Trading - 2 Replies I want to trade my summoner lvl 166 for a aloken lvl 165+ on elitedekaron
It has Leo Kellan set
noble armor +5
magic helmet +4
bite tomus +5
50 mil dil
There is also a lvl 96 aloken on the account but isnt so rich :p
WTT 91 TB Summoner for Aloken 08/06/2011 - Dekaron Trading - 1 Replies Title Says it ALL.
Average Gear.
Nothing Special.
Just want an aloken ^^
about the same lvl.
Has all info, SA, reg email.
Good name for a summy.
Has +3 115 Twin blade for later.
wtb an aloken or summoner 110+ SIZ 05/06/2011 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies i dont need dill or items really, i can make all those myself but if they have it sure why not. and the only requirement i need is the level and stat/skill build must be superb. PM me for any questions and offers.
wtb an aloken or summoner 110+ SIZ 05/06/2011 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies dont care for the dill or items. so justPM me for whatever you have.
the only requirements is that the skillbuild is good, and the stat build is also well.