Selling NA League of Legends gold account CLEAN S2 RANK 11/08/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Selling a level 30 gold from season 1 account.
Season 2 has 0:0, no rank games played.
Normal wins 1200+.
Have almost all the champions (including shyvana), missing: Anivia, cassiopeia, maokai, riven, skarner, swain, xerath, malzahar, Lee sin.
3 rune pages, has majority of the runes(tier3) such as arpen, mpen, admg, mresist, armor, flat ap, flat ad, mov speed, etc.
Skins include the following champions:
[REQUEST] Is it possible to clean out the numbers in char info bars ? 02/27/2011 - Shaiya - 0 Replies Hello
I am using SSB 4.0 to bot my toon. However, the bot somehow got bugged when it come to monitoring his HP and the bot-trap avoid function active permanently so the toon just wander around and do nothing for hours
I'm guessing that was because the numbers in the char HP bar made the get pixel color function of the bot inaccurate so I am thinking may be get rid of those numbers help fix this annoying bug
p/s: sorry for my english