CFNA Account || Perm Melee || VIPs || Decent Rank || Budget $140+ - Can go 195$
Discussion on CFNA Account || Perm Melee || VIPs || Decent Rank || Budget $140+ - Can go 195$ within the CrossFire Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.
[Buying] High Ranked || VIP || Perm Melee Account || Budget $100+ 11/29/2013 - CrossFire Trading - 8 Replies Post your account link below, also say how much you want for it, and it is flagged or not.
#1 - I'm not going first.
#2 - We are going to use a Middle-Man if you are not going first.
It is fair enough :mofo:
CFNA Speak ENGLISH: LOOKING FOR ACCOUNT WORTH OF 100$+ and at least 2 perm melee!!! 09/03/2013 - CrossFire Trading - 1 Replies Things like halloween shovel, x-mas shovel or octane axe, any seasonal melee/gun would be great!!!
OMM required or go you go first
need honorable ribbon
Must be flagged with proof( or unless you are trusted member non flag is good )
i have 115$ budget right now, and i can get more :P
Want to buy CFNA seasonal melee account 12/27/2012 - CrossFire Trading - 15 Replies I'm looking to buy a CFNA account with at least one seasonal melee weapon, preferably the seasonal melee would be kukri royal dragon but I'll look at all. Other seasonal melees/guns are a plus, honorable is also a plus but not required. Not sure how much I'm willing to pay at this time but it would be under $200.
[S] CFNA Account Rank egal [B] Psc, Acc 03/28/2012 - CrossFire Trading - 7 Replies suche cfna account sollte schon paar gute zp waffen haben :)
rank und der rest is mir egal