Ich habe einen Css server auf meinen Server getan ^^
Und darauf leuft Ba jail..
Da es viele server gibt und nicht einfach so leute drauf kommen wollte ich es mal hie publik machen ^^
Guide to help [New Server Owners] fix bot jail! 08/22/2009 - Zero - 3 Replies Hey i would like to Release this to server owners that dont know much about the db...This will help with some of the Main Problems...
Bot Jail Fix:
First way.
Run this in you Navicat when doing Maintenince will take them out of bot Jail.
UPDATE cq_user SET recordmap_id=1102;
UPDATE cq_user SET recordx=511;
UPDATE cq_user SET recordy=850;
in Honor Server Bot Jail 12/16/2006 - Conquer Online 2 - 7 Replies Can anyone help me get out of Bot Jail? If someone can lend me a DB, I'll definetely pay you back. I can even give you something to hold on to untill i pay you back, which will be in like two minutes. A DB donation is also acceptable =P
I'm in the Honor Server's Bot Jail, so if you can help me out, plz message me. Thanks in advance.
bot jail in dreams - freedom server! 09/08/2006 - Conquer Online 2 - 5 Replies i just got sent 2 botjail second time can some in freedom server thats water water or water fire come and do the free botjail exscape trick with me plz i offer on my behalf +karma and debt of graditude please!!!