Hey kennt jemand von euch noch die server von=ELITE=? habe da früher immerdrauf gespielt aber ich kann sie nicht mehr finden. Ich hoffe die gibt es noch. Danke
twin spears 10/30/2011 - Vindictus - 3 Replies anyone have idea how do i get twin spears?
thx for helping.
[WTB] +9 DN Le Cruz set / Twin siz 07/30/2011 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies Buying +9 dn le cruz set w/ severus or twinblink +9 (severus dn full dmg, twin can be clean)
Pm me only if u have full set with tb.
Looking to buy set first then tb. Set 1st or both.
Have good offer.
Paying with dils / +9 gears..
FP Twin Blades!! 04/25/2011 - S4 League - 24 Replies hab ich auf pmang gefunden.
pk on twin city 12/04/2006 - Conquer Online 2 - 2 Replies can someone teach us how to pk in twin city? i knw only fire and warrs accs can do that, but i need to knw how ill do this