CS:GO Global Account - Steam Level 50- 385 Wins- 1,000+ Hours - Global Elite
Discussion on CS:GO Global Account - Steam Level 50- 385 Wins- 1,000+ Hours - Global Elite within the Counter-Strike Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.
[Selling] Steam Account (since 20.04.2004) CSGO: Global Elite, 456 hours played, 147 MM-wins 07/22/2016 - Counter-Strike Trading - 21 Replies - CS 1.6 also on the account
- Private rank: Lvl 8
- Clean (never used any hacks + no VAC-Bans on record)
As the account is over 11 years old the start is at 50 € for bids.
Feeel free to offer away.
I prefer PSC as payment. I only trade via Forum and i am not interested in adding you at skype so use PMs please.
[Selling] Steam Account: Global Elite (1100 hours, 441 wins) for € or skins 05/24/2016 - Counter-Strike Trading - 1 Replies Global Elite (steam id: grehwalt) with 1100 hours in game, 441 wins - 50 € (PayPal / VISA) or 70 € (skins) or 180 000 csgodouble coins :)
Games on account:
Account in game:
Good reputation:
skype: grehwalt
[Selling] Steam Account (since 20.04.2004) CSGO: Global Elite, 486 hours played, 154 MM-wins 12/20/2015 - Counter-Strike Trading - 1 Replies - CS 1.6 also on the account
- Private rank: Lvl 12
- Clean (not like 90 percent of the 100 hour global accounts which are sold here, never used any hacks + no VAC-Bans on record)
- 5 Years coin
As the account is over 11 years old biding stats at 50 €.
I prefer PSC as payment. If your Paypal-Account is verfified for a long time i could take Paypal too. I only trade via Forum and i am not interested in adding you on skype so use PMs please.
Feel free to offer in english or german.
[Selling] GLOBAL ELITE | 81 hours | 52 wins | 19 PRIVATE level 10/12/2015 - Counter-Strike Trading - 2 Replies Selling CSGO GLOBAL ELITE
- 81 hours
- 52 wins
- 19 private level
STEAM LINK - Steam Community :: Brian
PRICE - 30$
[B] Global Elite account - 530 Hours - 200 Wins - LVL 11 Steam 06/14/2015 - Counter-Strike Trading - 18 Replies Hello,
I'm selling my Global Elite Account, it has 202 Wins and 600 Hours currently. Has also Operation Bloodhound and almost lvl 2 on it.
Price: Offer me.
Payment: Paysafecard or PayPal
If u need screenshots, steam profile link or anything else, PM me for skype.