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CS:GO 11 year Steam private lvl 3 +5 year veteran coin!

Discussion on CS:GO 11 year Steam private lvl 3 +5 year veteran coin! within the Counter-Strike Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.

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CS:GO 11 year Steam private lvl 3 +5 year veteran coin!


Price: €18,00 PayPal.

- CS Complete - including CS:GO
- 11 Year Steam service badge
- Private lvl 3, Matchmaking ready
- 5 year CS:GO veteran coin
- 111 hours in CS:GO, 56 in CS 1.6 and 43 in CSS

Note 1: There is a market restriction untill 28-05-2016. I have already added Steamwallet to lift the restriction. €2,80 currently in wallet.
Note 2: this account is linked to FaceIt. I will give you the login details of this aswell (same as original e-mail and accounts password).

The account will be delivered as described right after payment is received.

Skype: qbcsgotrading

qbcsgotrading is offline  
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