Commander lvl3 How to buy? 05/23/2014 - Seafight - 4 Replies Hi, how can I buy commander lvl 3? I see him i options but I can't buy..why?
Has someone's maybe a way? Maybe a link or something?
Please help :)..Thanks :D
[Buying] unrank acc 02/24/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Need a Unranked acc in all sessons i can give u 25 euro just give me a offen and i will pn you if i want this acc pls only trusted member
I can give only offline PsC germany
WTS lvl3 stones 06/28/2009 - Archlord Trading - 0 Replies WTS 99x each stones
1x 99x = 8 Euros
3x 99x = 23 euros
5x 99x = 38 euros
Wont be making any Ele stones yet.. until i edit thanks
Payments via Paypal only
Edited : Btw only for Cyripus server. thats why is alil cheaper than all sellers that sells all servers.