[Selling] Selling Gold account, loads of rare skins, over 150 skins, all champions, all runes. 09/03/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies I stopped playing this game since it is so boring to play now, i have had this account in many years. I have never been banned.
Album of all screenshots:
Account for sale - Imgur
The account contains the following:
[Selling] EUW S2 Silver, S3 Gold, S4 Gold - 101 Skins, most champs, many runes, many skins 08/11/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Silver Season 2
Gold Season 3
Platinum Season 4 Solo Q
Gold Season 4 3v3
9 rune pages
some unique & rare summoner icons - halloween 2012 etc
gold loading screen trim
(cheers hyack) Original/ verified email of account available.
skin : (I have more champions than this, just showing the skins atm)
[Selling] WTS | GOLD IV ACC 107 champs, 44 Skins 9 rune pages [PULSFIRE,LEGACY,LIMITED SKINS!] 07/25/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello, I'm selling an gold IV account in **cheap price** OG OWNER!
EUNE 107 Champions and 44 Skins (PULSFIRE nd two legendery) 9 rune page.
Tommy196's League of Legends Skins :: Elophant Search Stats
contact: skype: cs.tamas20 or pm
Payment Method : Paypal
Imagerz <-- icons,runes,not owned champs
[Selling] WTS |GOLD IV ACC| 107 champs, 44 Skins 9 rune pages [PULSFIRE,LEGACY,LIIMITED SKINS!] 07/25/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hello, I'm selling an gold IV account in cheap price.
EUNE 107 Champions and 44 Skins (PULSFIRE nd two legendery) 9 rune page
//seriously buyers pls..
Tommy196's League of Legends Skins :: Elophant Search Stats
contact: skype: cs.tamas20 or post your skype.
Payment Method : Paypal