[Selling] M4A4 | Howl (Minimal-Wear) [S] Paypal 10/26/2015 - Counter-Strike Trading - 8 Replies Selling my M4A4 | Howl (Minimal Wear). It looks really good, even better than some FN weapons, so it is sold over Market Price.
Not going to do anything below 70%! Send offer via PM.
Steam-Inventory on request.
Only accepting Paypal, either you go first or Middleman.
[Buying] [S] M4A4 | Howl [Field-Tested/Einsatzerprobt] [B] PayPal 05/22/2015 - Counter-Strike Trading - 1 Replies Moin Leute,
was ich suche seht Ihr ja oben ..
Am besten mit einem sehr guten Look wenn's geht.
Ich zahle natürlich nicht den Marketprice.
Wer eine hat, nennt mir bitte den Float Value und fügt 3 Bilder hinzu.
Cyrex FN, M4A4 Howl MW, Glock Fade FN - NUR 400 Euro Paypal!! 03/08/2015 - Counter-Strike Trading - 4 Replies Würde gerne alles auf einmal vk.
Die Howl und Glock steigen weiter im Preis, hier kann der Käufer ordentlich profit machen, verkaufe weil ich aufhöre.
[Selling] M4A4 HOWL FT [WTB] Paypal 12/13/2014 - Counter-Strike Trading - 9 Replies Selling a m4a4 howl field tested.
inventory: Steam Community :: zohra:9 :: Item Inventory
trade offer: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner =145254086&token=ob5jzKCo
Im up for anything. No rude offers or spaming please. Thanks.
highest offer atm: 90€ by BROLY™
M4A4 howl FN for Paypal 10/08/2014 - Counter-Strike Trading - 0 Replies Selling a M4A4 howl Factory New Value 300€ +
Selling it For 220€ in Paypal
Skype : jan.fredrik.antonsen
Picture of the howl : http://i.imgur.com/1W1F6MW.jpg?1