(speaking german and english)
I'm selling my LoL Account on EUW. It's currently Platinum V with a good MMR. It has a Gold Border from the last season.
It also has a couple of cool skins like:
Soulstealer Vladimir
Night Hunter Rengarq
Dragonslayer Pantheon
High Noon Yasuo
Popstar Ahri
Officer Vi
Hired Gun Lucian
Steel Legion Garen
Aether Wing Kayle
Shockblade Zed
Rocket Girl Tristana
Pulsfire Ezreal
Tyrant Swain
Fisherman Fizz
Dragon Fist Lee Sin + Chroma Pack
Blood Lord Vladimir
Mafia Miss Fortune
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
High Noon Twisted Fate
Traditional Lee Sin
Samurai Yi
Secret Agent Miss Fortune
Prestigious LeBlanc
Sorceress Lux
Tango Twisted Fate
Frosted Ezreal
Blast Zone Heimerdinger
Stinger Akali
Longhorn Alistar
Noxus Hunter Anivia
Annie in Wonderland
Freljord Ashe
Feral Warwick
Tribal Ryze
Might be a few more I dont remind right now.
The account has 4 runepages.
The account wasnt banned yet.
I do not have the reg-Mail since this was a unranked Account I bought like 2 years ago and i didnt get one myself.
If you are interested and like to have some more information just hit me up on skype.