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[h] m4 asiimov, awp redline, coricera

Discussion on [h] m4 asiimov, awp redline, coricera within the Counter-Strike Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.

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[h] m4 asiimov, awp redline, coricera

[h] M4A4 Asiimov BS (FT LOOK! Bilder auf Anfrage) + Name TAG + Sticker , 2x AWP Redline FT (MW look) (Redlines have currently friends, I am able to trade this evening though. If uhave a nice offer i may give u the AWP Corticera (MW) or the atomic alloy (MW)

[w] Knife offers, other offers in same price!!

CONTACT ME through my trading link!


Edit: Negativer Trade durch Scammer ._.
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Old 09/19/2014, 15:45   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
RAGENiX#'s Avatar
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Wie viel die Atomic Alloy MW ?
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