[Selling] [NA]S3 Diamond V Account SOLO Q w/ 3.9k RP 82 SKINS Championship Riven Zombie Brand 10/10/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 40 Replies http://i.imgur.com/nMonnOg.jpg
Selling a high end season 2 (1650 elo) Gold and season 3 Diamond V account 5X LP (fifty something) with 3.9k RP and 10 Rune Pages, made in season 1. High MMR, skipped 2 divs in plat before getting to diamond. P5->P3 and P3->P1. Earned 25 LP and lost 10 last 2 ranked games in diamond during the end of season 3. I have decided to censor the name except for the first and last letter, so this will show that it is the same account. I am the original owner and I have...
[Selling] Plat 5, Zombie brand,Iblitzcrank and 94+ more skins 114 champ 08/18/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies here is the original link of my selling thread
http://www.************/league-legends-eu-trade-b uy-sell/540675-lvl-30-account-plat-5-114-champ-92- skins-many-legacy-rare-legendary.html
Add me on skype: jeanacco
no silly offers as i spent more than 600£ on this account
ehm cant seem to link to my thread lol
[Selling] Gold V - All Champions - 80+ Skins - Zombie Brand 07/17/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Greetings traders!
I'm trying to sell my League of Legends account, hosted on EUW. The free transfer is still available so you'll be able to transfer it to the server you wish.
What my account has:
- Original Owner.
- 2 and a half years without any ban/suspension issues.
- All champions released so far
- 80+ Skins. Lots of unobtainable skins and legendaries. Zombie Brand, Championship Riven, Halloween Skins, Christmas Skins.
[Selling] Zombie brand account EUWEST 120 skins all champs 07/14/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hi guys .
I want to sell one of my accounts .
On the account are all runes , all champions , 19 pag runes , 120 + skins
All champion have 1 skin minimum .
More details : Ask me
Method : PaySafeCard