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Halo 4 xbox design

Discussion on Halo 4 xbox design within the Consoles forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Talking Halo 4 xbox design

Today in front of thousands of Halo fans in attendance at San Diego Comic-Con, Microsoft and 343 Industries revealed the Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo 4 console bundle – the perfect celebration of the return of the Master Chief in Halo 4. The limited edition bundle and accessories showcase a never-before-seen unique design inspired by the game and include everything you need to bring the Halo mythology right into your living room.

The Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo 4 console bundle is available for pre-order today and will arrive in stores with the launch of Halo 4 on Nov. 6, 2012. This must-have bundle contains an exclusive, custom-designed console and two exclusive controllers inspired by the game, a standard edition copy of Halo 4, a wired headset, a massive 320GB hard drive, built-in Wi-Fi, and Xbox LIVE tokens for exclusive Halo 4 in-game and avatar marketplace downloadable content. The “ring of light” on the console, as well as the Xbox Guide button of the controller will showcase a glowing blue color to match the overall Halo 4 color scheme.

As the definitive console bundle of 2012, the limited edition console bundle offers an incredible value for fans who want to enjoy the immersive world of Halo 4. The Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo 4 bundle is available through your favorite retailer while supplies last, priced at $399.99 (U.S. ERP).

In addition to the limited edition console bundle, Microsoft and 343 Industries are releasing a standalone Xbox 360 Halo 4 Limited Edition Wireless Controller. The graphics on this controller will feature the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) emblem on a dark grey translucent body, and will include an Avatar T-shirt as exclusive downloadable content. The Halo 4 Limited Edition Wireless controller will also feature the Halo 4 glowing blue Xbox Guide button. This product will be available by Oct. 21, 2012 and is priced at $59.99 (U.S. ERP).

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Old 07/15/2012, 14:43   #2
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