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Strategy/Equipment/Attributes for Troj-War-Water (Melee Water)

Discussion on Strategy/Equipment/Attributes for Troj-War-Water (Melee Water) within the Conquer Online 2 forum part of the MMORPGs category.

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Cool Strategy/Equipment/Attributes for Troj-War-Water (Melee Water)

Reflecting Melee Water.

1) Wear a necklace or a bag? (this one is kind of more easily thought, I just can't decide)
I was wondering what equipment would I put on the melee water.
I was thinking Earring or Cap (obviously), dex ring, robe (obviously) and boots.
The only thing that struck me was, do I need the tao bag? I mean yes it adds attack, but the bonus (+1's) on it adds more Mdef?
So which one would be a better option?I'm not sure because I know that a tao vs a tao at the same level is ridiculous and can really never kill eachother using nado, etc.

2) What kind of strategy would I use?
I was watching this video from a while back on you tube.
I found this video so awesome. And it's cool so I watched it many times.
In my server, there's only a few 2nd rb trojans that stand a threat, and a few 2nd rb fires.
I mean with high MDeF as a water, I wouldn't really need to worry about the fires 2nd rbs. But with the trojans, what kind of steps should I take to kill them? I need a strategy to fight mostly against FBers and hercules (mostly this one) I mean I know hercules takes about 3-5 hercs to kill (depends on hp) and would be more easily to attack since they jump straight at you most of the time. But what about going against a FBer that keeps its range? I see that this guy in the video sidesteps (not literally) going around just running most of the time to avoid the FB, but I don't understand the strategy besides running, fire, and spearing? I mean yeah it's simple and some ridicule it cause its "cheap" but we aren't hear to talk about that.
So my main question really is, how would I go against trojans as a water melee? &...What XP skill would I activate if I had the chance, Ironshirt or Superman lol?

3) What attribute points do I need and what do they affect?
I heard: 176 STR for the spear, enough Att points for 1000 mana so you can have enough to stig, etc in GW (add along the miraculous gourd to make 2000 is preffered i've heard). and keep agi at 2 (default) and the rest would go HP?
I know that AGI does nothing unless you're an archer that needs it to equip gear. but ive heard it also affects your hit percent rate/accuracy?

4) What gems to use?
Obviously, full double socket SDG? I''m almost positive about this, but I wanna hear your guys' ideas.

5) Ironshirt, moving bug?
I've heard from many that it has a bug that you can move with it, I never had Ironshirt so I wouldn't know. So if you guys know anything about this let me know. Is staying still and attacking considering moving and will it cancel (if bug is not true) the ironshirt?

(P.S. I was kind of thinking of making a Water-War-Fire so that it would have stigma, and be able to nado (more faster than fire) what's your input?)

TY for the support EPVP members. =D
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Old 01/08/2008, 18:09   #2
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1. I would wear a necklace instead of a bag. With 120 cap and robe (or earrings, those are fine too) you should have plenty of magic defense, so the physical defense is more important. The bag adds magic attack, but that won't help a melee water.

2. If you need more defense shield yourself (stig first because shield blocks it) and save the xp for superman, or maybe xp shield.. Basic idea is zap them while in the air (stuns them) and hit once you land.

3. Agility increases your hit rate (accuracy), not attack rate. You need it to hit people directly. However, the weapon skills always hit when they activate. People who put only 2 agility are relying on skills (e.g. speed gun) for their kills because they miss all the time with normal attacks. You're correct on the 176 strength and setting mana as you like.

4. Yep, SDG for sure.

5. Haven't used iron shirt before, so I don't know.

6. Best thing about making a water-warrior-fire is reflect. Divine hare is nice too. You could also do water-fire-fire and get dodge. I don't see the use of a fire having stigma except for helping at GW. If you get plvl from an archer (bad idea for fires anyway since you have skills to fix) there should be a water there for that.
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Old 01/09/2008, 01:14   #3
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^ thanks for the help. For #6... I was referring to a Melee Fire with reflect,stig, and nado.
#1...THe +1-12 bonuses on bags give mdef. but yeah I agree with you on having enough MDef already from robe+cap/earring
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Old 01/09/2008, 08:42   #4
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AFAIK IronShirt will disapear as soon as you move...
But even if you cant move, no worries, NO trojan or warrior could kill you with it^^
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Old 01/09/2008, 08:51   #5
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AFAIK IronShirt will disapear as soon as you move...
But even if you cant move, no worries, NO trojan or warrior could kill you with it^^
^Thanks. In what situation would I use ironshirt? (I heard people use it for Dis City, but for what?) Also what use is it in GW?
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Old 01/10/2008, 05:13   #6
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Agility increases your hit rate (accuracy), not attack rate. You need it to hit people directly. However, the weapon skills always hit when they activate. People who put only 2 agility are relying on skills (e.g. speed gun) for their kills because they miss all the time with normal attacks. You're correct on the 176 strength and setting mana as you like.
So I wouldn't need Dex ring if I'm relying on SpeedGun to come out then right?
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Old 01/10/2008, 20:23   #7
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Yeah if you're relying on the skill activation go with an attack ring and put all your points to hp.
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Old 04/30/2008, 07:50   #8
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Yes it's true, IronShirt works WHILE YOU MOVE AROUND. I have a tro>war>arch and I can hop around as much as I want with it. Honestly though, I never use it...Exp Shield lasts way longer so I always go for that. Don't even waste your time with SM for PVP, just use Exp Shield all the time but stig yourself before you hit it .

Couple other thoughts...

Go Cap not Ears. Cap has same MDef as Ears, but it also has 3x the PDef of Ears...there's no contest.

Go Dex Ring. VERY minimal loss in dmg over an Attack Ring and you gain that much more of a chance of hitting them without your skill. It's really worth it. All classes, aside from archers, should go Dex Ring over Attack but people are too dumb -_-.

Go Necky...again, no contest.

Full SDG

I would REALLY recommend adding some Agil. With people jumping around FBing at a distance if you get that 1 chance to hit them you better make that one chance a good one. Why sacrifice for a little more HP to miss out on all the chances of getting another kill? Speed Gun has a 47% chance of hitting so if you couple that with decent Agil and a Dex Ring there's about no way you'll ever miss. I would recommend 50 - 60 Agil. If you go 130>130>130, this won't be a problem in your Attrib Points.

Last thing (I know this is getting lengthy)
Try to attack at an angle. I.e. hit so you point to one of the 4 corners of the screen. Your hit possibilities are a lot better that way for whatever reason. Notice in the video you posted, almost all of the kills were him hitting at an angle

Anyways that's it. Good luck! Waters are the pwn
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