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WTS 130-132-132 Pure Archer + good gears

Discussion on WTS 130-132-132 Pure Archer + good gears within the Conquer Online 2 Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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WTS 130-132-132 Pure Archer + good gears

The Account has
house lvl 2, Night Devil, ALL the dances, and the gears are:
SuperFeatherPlume +4 2 Soc Sdg Sdg lvl 22
SuperHeartNeclace +4 1 Soc Sdg lvl 17
SuperCrystalRing +4 1 Soc Sdg lvl 90
SuperGooseBow +4 2 Soc Sdg Sdg lvl 70
SuperGabsenCoat +4 2 Soc Sdg Sdg lvl 77
SuperOxhideBoots +4 1 Soc Sdg lvl 10

Reason why geras are low is because i just reborned him and i didnt really feel like bringing them back up.. and i been playing wow and modern warfare 2 alot more than this game... so i am selling it... or trading it for a high lvl runescape account. Thanks

Also The account has FULL info.. so the account will be yours forever

If you have and questions about the account feel free to contact by texting me on my phone or email

Phone:1815 291 5491

bennygoodman is offline  

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