+12 Bound !! 02/28/2015 - Conquer Online 2 - 2 Replies i see many charcter hav +7 +8 +12 Bound Stuff How that happen ?? :handsdown:
Bound Cps 06/30/2012 - Conquer Online 2 - 5 Replies Hello ,
Somebody know when have the event of bound cps ??
and how i can get cps bound now ?
CPS BOUND 07/11/2010 - Conquer Online 2 - 5 Replies i hear from my friend we can use 7 gem bound and 100 k and enter lottry
to change it for 2 rtg not free but its not work now
ther`s any way to use cps bound
S> Eagle srv Ninja 126lvl for Lion,sup bound items,not bound sup fan 1soc +6 -1dmg.. 05/04/2010 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 1 Replies Hi!
S> In Eagle server Ninja 126level,super bound items,not bound super fan 1socket SGG +6 -1dmg... For Lion server some items or DBS or money or CPS... Offer here I sell cheap. I GIVE FULL INFO with email.
Get Bound uniques for main accounts 11/22/2009 - Archlord - 53 Replies Is there any solution for this ? to get like shuta or blodes on lvl 70 + accounts ??