S> Water-troj-archer 120-120-131 02/10/2010 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 2 Replies I am gonna sell this char soon, so respond here or talk to me if you are interested :)
Lab Guide For War/ troj/ archer With map and spot 10/22/2008 - CO2 Guides & Templates - 3 Replies Hello back guys , This is a guide from an other forum So i Will put it there and i Will put the original page too, so u can reward the maker. ;)
Original page:Labyrinth Guide - ConquerRPG Forum
Labyrinth Introduction
Labyrinth is a 4-story maze, where you can both level and obtain rare and valuable items.
There are different monsters on each level of the labyrinth, some of which drop tokens which grant you access to the next level.
sell troj-archer 125-131 10/22/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 0 Replies seell troj-archer 125-131 nongear, server ruby, duke donation 30 kk, pm me on [email protected]
auto potter/dc (for hp only) best for archer/troj 02/22/2007 - CO2 Bots & Macros - 7 Replies reqs: AC Tool
1024x786 screen and co res
windowed mode
start with coloader if you want dc (disconnect) feature
- atleast 1 pot on hp_pot_key
- atleast 1 bundle on hp_pack_key (if you pna to use bundles, works without too)
- 3 free slots
- coloader ;p
T> lvl 109 water-troj for a lvl 120 archer! 05/24/2006 - Conquer Online 2 - 1 Replies T> lvl 109 water-rb for a lvl 120 archer non-rb
+3 elite coro
elite neck
elite ring
sup +3 club with 2 ref rainy
sup +3 sword with sdg, ref rainy
sup +3 armor
uni boots!