Selling my pure water. LVl 131
2Soc robe, backsword +5 (mana bs) super
1soc bag/cap/bracelet +4 elite
1Soc boots +3 elite
All supergems.
Vip 1
Leave offer. only paysafecard.
sell pure water basilisk server lvl 138 08/03/2011 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 3 Replies water 130-water130-water 138 (earl) 326bp for Best offer
full info included
cap +7 -3 2stg phase 3
neck +7 -7 2sdg
ring +7 -7 2sdg phase 2
spear +12 -7 2stg phase 1
robe +7 -3 2stg phase 6
boots +6 -3 2stg phase 1
Water Server: Pure Ninja and Melee Water - FULL INFO INCLUDED 02/08/2011 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 5 Replies 2nd RB Pure Ninja (Ninja-Ninja-Ninja) (130-130-130) Currently at 57%, and has about 22 exp balls in mentor reward. This means if you use the PowerExpBalls, you get 131 :D. (If you intend on going past 131, I'd suggest you do not use the PowerExpBalls) A well known character in the server, no real enemies, (nothing that cant be handled easily). I've been friendly with most of the prominent players and I can leave friend list intact if you so wish. This account comes with full information. Also...
S> Pure Magic Water Eagle Server 12/17/2010 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 1 Replies Looking to sell off my pure water asap. Well known character.
Server: Eagle
Lvls: 130-130-128
Status: None
BP with Guild Status of Steward: 240, No Mentor
VIP: None, can give lvl 1 though
S Ears lvl 112 +4 - 1soc SPG ench 63
Selling Nin-war-fire or pure water fire/water server 12/15/2010 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 4 Replies Super Grass Bracelet +6 (lvl 115, phase 3 perm soul) with 2 soc and 2 SPG
Super Deft Boots +4 (lvl 110) with 1 soc and 1 SPG
Super Surge Headgear +4 (lvl 112, phase 3 perm soul) with 2 soc and 2 SPG
Super Gold Bag +4 (lvl 97) with 1 soc and 1 SPG
Super Lotus BackSword +5 (lvl 115, phase 4 perm soul) with 2 soc and 2 SPG
Hidden Attribute: Has a chance to recover HP when attacking. (perfect for fire/fire fights)
Super Waterflow Armor +5 (lvl 115, phase 6 perm soul) with 2 soc and 2 SPG...
Sell pure water at server light 08/16/2010 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 0 Replies Gears
Super Level 57 +5 robe 1 sock SDG
Elite +4 HeavyRing 1 sock
Super spear +8 2 sock -1 Progress 29170\58320
Super +5 2 sock tower RGG RGG
Super +5 -1 fan 2 sock RTG RTG
+6 Golden Steed
Char Wat wat wat 130 130 75