S> 2nd rb warr-warr-fire 130-130-131 Cheap price 10/07/2011 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 15 Replies Hi all,
I have stopped playing this game 6months ago and after this long break I logged in back and understood that I am not going to play this game anymore because I am student and etc... (If you need I can approve information by some extra personal reasons and/or documents). So, here is my Fire tao:
1. 130-130-131 warrior-warrior-fire (this char is respected in this server) Group: Wild Kingdom (I won't include server according account safety solutions)
2. Gear: Potency (245)
S> Warr 127 > Warr 127 > Trojan 130 naked - Nanya! full infos. 11/30/2009 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 11 Replies Hi.
I got for sale legendary trojan from Nanya server, that trojan got like 5-6 years...
he is naked, full infos 2nd rb levels warr>warr>trojan 127/127/130. 30 pct to 131.
some shitz in wh. server nanya group celebrities. he is naked. VIP LVL 2. 660$~ wasted. >.<
i don't want much for him. just offer here or pm.
PS:that really hurts to sell him ;p
S> warr>warr>water level 130 on GLORY server 12/19/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 0 Replies warrior>warrior>water level 125>125>130 has level 12 blade prof.. level 12 sword prof level 13 wand prof and level 12 spear prof.. name is I.K.T.P.Q
level 1 fire, level 4 water elf, level 2 DH, Fix stig and Fix adv cure and Fix star of acc..
Also has super +3 fan and elite tower +3.
Has around 6500 hp with no equips and 1020 mana.. enough for 4 adv cure or stig and star of acc.
basicly a melee water :mofo:
I also have full info for the account
T>130-130-105 Warr>Warr>Fire for runescape acct 07/05/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 8 Replies Trading a 130>130>105 Warrior>Warrior>Fire with
-Super +8 1soc spg earrings
-Super +3 1soc rmg bag
-Super +4 1soc rmg bracelet
-Super +5 2soc spg/rmg mana bs
-Super +4 1soc rmg robe
+mets,+1,+2stones,ref+norm gems and around 4mil gold in warehouse
for a decent runescape acct..ill also give you a lvl 110 tro with it