Sell Pure Firetao 130>127 and non-rb 120+ troj 11/24/2009 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 3 Replies I've retired from CO2 for quite some time; couldn't part with my dear ol' buddies till now lol.
These are the stats as I remember it:
Firetao 130>127 (130 was max lvl when I first reb it)
-Has Nightdevil
-Full super items with 1 socket SPG
-Mana backsword with 2 SPG
-All items +5 and above except for bag and boots
t> 128 2nd rb troj full gear for rs acc full infos 06/10/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 0 Replies title says it all, has uni +3 blk rdg arm, super +4 sdg sdg club, super +4 rdg rdg sword, rest eli +3 and +4 full infos, looking for a 105+ rs char with good items add my msn to talk with me [email protected]
S>Pure BlooD Troj on Areis Serve 05/30/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 0 Replies >2nd rb
>Potency 200
>Sword,Blade and Club user
>Fixed SS,FB and Herc
>Phoenix level 4
ONLY $160!! (USD)
s> 2nd rb pure troj 130-131-126 on wildswan 04/01/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 3 Replies char is a 2nd rb pure trojan 130-131-126 on wildswan server in fairytales group. 235 potency atm, but will have 240 potency once it's 131 again. full dual sdg soc -5 bless. all items are +6 except for the club which is +7. click link for images..
swanseller - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
other stuff i'm selling:
swanseller/other items - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
if you're interested pm/email me
[email protected]