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S>130-130-130 wat-war-tro, same war/wat/arch and S 2soc Gear

Discussion on S>130-130-130 wat-war-tro, same war/wat/arch and S 2soc Gear within the Conquer Online 2 Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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S>130-130-130 wat-war-tro, same war/wat/arch and S 2soc Gear

Selling 130-130-130 Trojan, 120 archer, and 130-116 Warrior on Hebby/Kingjus

You will also get a 130-130 war-water on Royalty_EU with the trojan

Included are:

Super 2soc SDG Jade Earrings +5 -1

Super soc SDG Relics Necklace +4

Super soc SDG Leopard Boots +4

Super soc SDG Thunder Ring +4

Super Soc Oxhide Boots +3

Super Soc Dragon Armor +3

Super 2soc SDG Thunderclub +4

Miraculous Gourd

Archer/War Gear:

Super soc SDG Phoenix Jerkin +4

Super 2soc SDG Phoenix Bow +3

Super soc SDG Phoenix Armor +4

Over 1k bounds cps on each char, many other super/elite (non soc) + items , mets, exp pots, gold in bank you can have.

Also have 130-125 wat-war, ninja, and archer

The highest bid takes it and I'm looking on selling right a.s.a.p.

Serious Buyers only please

Bluedevilz is offline  

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