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[Release]+1,+2,+7,+8 Stones in GreatMerchant
Discussion on [Release]+1,+2,+7,+8 Stones in GreatMerchant within the CO2 PServer Guides & Releases forum part of the CO2 Private Server category.
10/28/2008, 16:01
elite*gold: 0
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[Release]+1,+2,+7,+8 Stones in GreatMerchant
I Know That This Release is Stupid ,But I go Post, It I can Help Somebody =D
First - Download Shop.ini (In the End of the Post)
Now It goes in the Folder: COServerProject \ bin \ Debug, and It substitutes For That Has There
Now It goes In the Folder Of Its Conquer,
Mine is This: C:\xxxxx\COPremium\ini
It substitutes There Also
Sei Que Esse Release e Estupido Mas Vou Postar, Pode Ajudar Alguem =D
Primeiro - Faça o Download Do Shop.ini ( No Final do Post )
Agora Vai na Pasta : COServerProject\bin\Debug, E Substitua Pela Que Tem La
Agora Vai Na Pasta Do Seu Conquer, A Minha e Essa:
C:\Arquivos de programas\COPremium\ini
E Substitua La Também
Pronto =D
Click In Shop.ini
PS: If To want To give Delet in the Post, Can Delet =DD
10/28/2008, 16:16
elite*gold: 0
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not Inglish but English
and added to my all-in-1 thread
10/28/2008, 16:19
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10/28/2008, 16:22
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Good , Thanks this may be useful for Some.
10/28/2008, 16:24
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10/28/2008, 22:22
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isn't it Shop.dat and not Shop.ini? o.O
edit: I noticed it is Shop.dat :X
12/21/2008, 17:24
elite*gold: 20
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how do i set up so i can buy like SuperTaoRobe in there? with price?
12/21/2008, 17:28
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Originally Posted by JoieJones90
how do i set up so i can buy like SuperTaoRobe in there? with price?
search the id of the robe
12/21/2008, 17:29
elite*gold: 1142
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Go onto MySQL , and go to the item table. Now you find SuperTaoRobe in there, and change the price to whatever you would like it to be bought for. Now, you go onto Shop.dat, and find GreateMerchant NPC, and add the ID and information for the supertaorobe, use the other items as a refference. Goodluck!
04/20/2009, 15:09
elite*gold: 0
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quando compro stone +7 +8, nao consome os cps!!
when you buy stone +7 +8, not consume the cps!
04/20/2009, 17:01
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by auraboreal
quando compro stone +7 +8, nao consome os cps!!
when you buy stone +7 +8, not consume the cps!
nice way to bump a 5 month old post -.-
04/20/2009, 18:16
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I dont have great merchant in market!
07/13/2009, 21:56
elite*gold: 0
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lol..I did everything right and it doesn't work. It still has the original items in the shop.
07/13/2009, 22:11
elite*gold: 0
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THis **** dont work ...Seriously just post a new thread the new moderators dont know anything about moderating so they will close any old thread thats bumped ( EVEN IF IT HELPS )...
( If i get a infraction for this your gonna get pwnt )
08/29/2009, 19:05
elite*gold: 0
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Okay...way to go! You made the stones VISIBLE. They don't even work smart one.. Only a retarded egyptian or br noob would make a suck *** useless guide for some quick thanks. Why wouldn't you at least make the stone work you dumb sh*t.
@Everyone else
So does anyone actually know how to make the stones work? -.-
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