We're proud to announce the first and only server to fully implement every feature, event, class, etc exactly as they are on the official conquer servers.
For an entire list of features, you can always visit

HTML Code:
First and second reborn, reincarnation
Dragon Souls, refineries, accessories, steeds, mounts, etc
All new Maps, monsters, and bosses (ex: sea of Death, level 6 house, etc)
Achievement system, mentor system, offline tg, flower rankings, quiz show, enlightenment, etc
The new forging interface
Server Systems (InnerPower - Perfection - chi - Jiang - Mining SubClass-Flowers-PrestigeRanking-Title-ActivityTasks -Lottery-Bulletin Last Class Windwalker ;
new Syestm (ShareVIP Task Rewards - Vote System-Item Retrned - Auto BackUP - Soul p8 - Online Points -Monster Rank
Shops (Champion Shop-Booths -EShop -Honor Shop-Race Point Shop-Mall)
Daily Quest Envoy - 12 Boss Monster-Arena-Team Arena New 170 Germanet -New 50 Mounts - New Auto Hunt - New Auto Pike - Unlimited Arena - Boot Arena -Online Points - Diora Monsters - Pets -- Bot Arena -New Garment New Mount - New Accessory Merchant - Redeem item - vote - new maps - New Npc
System Banned - System Banned ip - System Banned Mac - System Banned Chat - Full Back UP - cps Stake- Log Syestm - Full Back UP Syestm
*Full attack (Nobility -Bp - P_Attack-Defence-MagicAttack-MagicDefence-Dodge-AgilityAtack-PhysicalPercent-Damage-Bless-PhysicalDamageIncrease-MagicDamageIncrease-PhysicalDamageDecrease-MagicDamageDecrease)
Player Command( Tab Enemy - Tab Ally - Edit Points)
Small Events (Last Man Stand -Foot Ball-BattleField-TeamDeathMatch-ExtremePk-KillerOfElite-TreasureThief-ChristmasAnimation-FreezeWar-SkillTournament-KingOfTheHill )
Big Event ( Team pk (130-120-119-99) - skill Teampk (130-120-119-99) - Elite Pk(130-120-119-99)- CTF- Skill Tournament - Extreme Pk - TreasureThief - KingOfTheHill - TeamDeathMatch - Freeze War Battle Field --KillerOfElite
SquidwardOctopus - PowerArena Couples - Clan War 5 City -ArenaCpsBattle - SteedRace - DisCity - Monthlypk - Christmas Animation-DisCity -GuildWar-EliteGuildWar-ClassPkWar-CouplesPKWar-weeklyPK-Monthlypk-KingOfTheHill-FrozenSky - Army Token -Class Pk - SuperGuildWar GuildWar
TreasureThief-SuperGuildwar-Satan- Guard war - Hunt Map - Meteor Tar - bomb - Lab City - ClassPoleWar (ArcherClass FireClass-MonkClass-NinjaClass-TrojanClass-WarriorClass-WaterClass-WindWalker-KungfuKing-Parite Class) NobilityPole King - NobilityPolePrince- NobilityPoleDouke -NobilityPole Eril) - SteedRace -Guild Score War - ClanWar-ArenaCpsBattle
If you have any questions, comments, etc, let us know here