[Selling] TH16 FULL MAX PREMIUM ACCOUNT | GAUNTLET LVL21 | 14500 GEMS | GOLD PASS 03/15/2024 - Clash of Clans Trading - 2 Replies Selling my personal 100% Max Th16 Clash Of Clans account
100% secure - I am the original owner. After purchase you will get all security info and account will be linked to your email.
Epic Giant Gauntlet - Lvl21, Healer Puppet - lvl17 + You can upgrade whatever you want with available cwl medals and Gems
MAX Heroes: BK=95 AQ=95/ GW=70/ RC=45
Very Rare MAX th16: Max defence, Max Blacksmith, Max Pets, Max Lab..(Only some bombs and 40 walls left to upgrade)
Warrior Skin set 🤹, 400+ CWL Medals...
[Selling] TH15 near Max war TH14 komplett Max Out Viele Skins und Szenerien 01/21/2023 - Clash of Clans Trading - 1 Replies Verkaufe meinen Clash Of Clans Account Rathaus Level 15. Der Account war Rathaus 14 komplett Max Out inkl alle Helden,Tiere und Mauern und besitzt viele Skins und Szenerien.
Preis: 150€
Bei Interesse gerne im Discord melden: Dadeldu#1724 oder Telegram: @kvvv9009
Da ich nicht weiß wie man hier Bilder hochlädt bitte auch für Bildanfragen über Telegram bzw Discord melden.
[Selling] TH15 NEAR MAX - LVL 231 - BK80/AQ85/GW60/RC32 - 4 MAX PETS - 4 SCENERY - 220 USD 12/19/2022 - Clash of Clans Trading - 0 Replies Selling this account for 220 USD - Account is safe and if anything goes wrong I will give your money back, if you are interested message me on Telegram
Telegram: ververververqvrwbrtbw
I will only do deals with crypto using trusted middleman so don't bother if you wanna use someone else
feel free to make offers for it
Account images: https://imgur.com/a/27zTBxG