Discord: polagg (ID: 269888969418735616) Old: pola#3278
Skype: live:.cid.3f58c25403091066
1.000+ Positive Reviews all over the web

Discord server:

Before You Buy:
●Need your Player Tag Only
●How to find your Player Tag / Player ID:
●Tap the ‘Profile’ button in the top left corner of your game screen.
●View your Player Tag right below your in-game name.
●You don't need mail or anything
88 Gems - 2$
550 Gems - 7$
1320 Gems - 12$
2750 Gems - 22$
7150 Gems - 52$
15400 Gems - 104$
Gold Pass - 10$
prices can change due to the exchange rate or change of method both up and down better check with me for the current price.
Also we can use not official purchase and will be cheaper by ~50% but all risks you take on yourself .