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Shadow Banned For over 7 days ?
Discussion on Shadow Banned For over 7 days ? within the Call of Duty forum part of the Popular Games category.
01/22/2022, 12:20
elite*gold: 0
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Shadow Banned For over 7 days ?
Has anyone ever been shadow banned for over 7 days ? if so tell me what your experience was did You ever get unshadow banned how long did it last after the 7 days. Im currently on my 8-9th day of my shadow ban this is my first time being shadow banned for over 7 days
01/22/2022, 12:33
elite*gold: 0
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Maybe don’t hack if you can’t handle being shadow banned!
01/22/2022, 12:48
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Originally Posted by brooksey18
Maybe don’t hack if you can’t handle being shadow banned!
Tf are u talking about ? Who said I couldn't handle it Im simply asking for other peoples experience on being shadow banned for over 7 days
01/22/2022, 13:05
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by cSensei
Tf are u talking about ? Who said I couldn't handle it Im simply asking for other peoples experience on being shadow banned for over 7 days
What did you use? Chair, unlocker, UAV or?
01/22/2022, 18:30
elite*gold: 24
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I have never been shadow banned, but with the amount of threads and posts in this regard I feel I know it all by now.
If you spend three minutes on the first or even second page of this sub, you would have found your answer by now!!
01/22/2022, 19:39
elite*gold: 0
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People are so ignorant I swear, no one is force to come on his thread and answer his question. But why troll? Why even tell him his questions are answered on other threads. Answer his question or don't, stop being so toxic stop repeating the toxic stuff that was said to you or you read.
Too answer your question a shadowban can be between 1-14 days on average, 7 days is usually the end date. But take into consideration everything Activision is dealing with. So I would expect 14 days
01/22/2022, 20:43
elite*gold: 224
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Originally Posted by cSensei
Has anyone ever been shadow banned for over 7 days ? if so tell me what your experience was did You ever get unshadow banned how long did it last after the 7 days. Im currently on my 8-9th day of my shadow ban this is my first time being shadow banned for over 7 days
Shadows usually last 7-14 days, 14 on the higher end, will prob be gone for you by tomorrow or the next day as long as the cheat you were using was Undetected and you weren't raging
01/22/2022, 21:57
elite*gold: 0
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People who are on epvp telling others not to cheat are the most annoying around, get off the board. This is a cheating website. Take your "don't cheat" BS to Twitter or any other part of the internet where people will slob your **** for disliking cheaters.
To the OP: Shadowbans can last up to 14 days, that's the highest I've ever personally had. Some people are reporting even longer SB's these days I've noticed though.
Edit: Best thing to do is just check every day.
01/23/2022, 03:26
elite*gold: 24
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Originally Posted by Robsev
People are so ignorant I swear, no one is force to come on his thread and answer his question. But why troll? Why even tell him his questions are answered on other threads. Answer his question or don't, stop being so toxic stop repeating the toxic stuff that was said to you or you read.
What is being toxic is same thread over and over again, as you said “ stop repeating”, I mean simple search and having organized threads is toxic then **** how lazy and ignorant can someone be??
01/23/2022, 04:30
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by MK-DOS
What is being toxic is same thread over and over again, as you said “stop repeating”, I mean simple search and having organized threads is toxic then **** how lazy and ignorant can someone be??
You could have kept your comment to yourself. No one forced you to open the thread You could have kept scrolling.
01/23/2022, 04:33
elite*gold: 0
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Let us know once it has been 14, or if it is before day 14 and you are checking every day, which you should be, let us know what # day it gets unshadow'd.
I'm curious about current shadowbans.
01/23/2022, 05:36
elite*gold: 24
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Originally Posted by cSensei
You could have kept your comment to yourself. No one forced you to open the thread You could have kept scrolling.
Not when the first page is flooded with the same question and specially when there’s a detailed thread dedicated for this specific topic… I can say the same thing to you, you could have kept your comment to yourself and ignored my post, but I guess you didn’t want to.
I’m not gonna go back and forth with you in this regard, if it’s hard to get the message then let’s just move on…
01/23/2022, 05:43
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by DMUonaFFAR
Let us know once it has been 14, or if it is before day 14 and you are checking every day, which you should be, let us know what # day it gets unshadow'd.
I'm curious about current shadowbans.
Will do.
01/25/2022, 06:32
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by DMUonaFFAR
People who are on epvp telling others not to cheat are the most annoying around, get off the board. This is a cheating website. Take your "don't cheat" BS to Twitter or any other part of the internet where people will slob your **** for disliking cheaters.
To the OP: Shadowbans can last up to 14 days, that's the highest I've ever personally had. Some people are reporting even longer SB's these days I've noticed though.
Edit: Best thing to do is just check every day.
Hey, ive never cheated on wz but i’m planning on purchasing a cheat. So when you get shadow banned, can’t you just make a new account to bypass it? Or how’s the banning system work?
01/25/2022, 11:02
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by TX3Q
Hey, ive never cheated on wz but i’m planning on purchasing a cheat. So when you get shadow banned, can’t you just make a new account to bypass it? Or how’s the banning system work?
Wait for shadow ban lift or spoof
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