Alright , You guys should know that sea has undergo-ed 2 maintenance on 4/6/08 . First in the afternoon , 12.00 pm - 4.00 pm . Second at 11.30 pm - 12.45 am .
We have made a simple but unstable CR-Cracked between the 2 maintenance . But unfortunately after the second maintenance , the bot failed and couldnt be use anymore .
Now we need more people to help us . Its not that simple . You need requirements .
1. Knowledge bout Wireshark .
2. Hexing of patchers
3. Msn account [ SERIOUSLY ]
Thats pretty much it ! Since my partner in botting FORCED me to post this even at 2.00 am , you should know the desperation we have .
UPDATE : We need someone who can code Perl .