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GE2 | 12 mio seprom lasers | G-Champion | 44 PP |
Discussion on GE2 | 12 mio seprom lasers | G-Champion | 44 PP | within the Browsergames Trading forum part of the The Black Market category.
06/13/2016, 12:08
elite*gold: 0
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GE2 | 12 mio seprom lasers | G-Champion | 44 PP |
Global Europe 2;
PRICE: 140€ - Paypal Only;
- Middleman by my chose if needed.
- Premium ~1month
- Lvl: 21
- Rank: Basic Major
[Need ~10/30k rp For major!
- Credits: 650mio
- Uridium: 70k
- Hangars:
- Goliath with:
- Saturn
- Diminisher
- Centaur
- Kick - Goal - Referee
- Sovereign - Vanquisher
- Venom
- Vengi [Pusat + lighting]
- Citadel
- Aegis [Veteran + Elite]
- Iris: 8 lvl 16
- Apis: 1 lvl 16
- Zeus: 1 lvl 16
- Havoc: 10
- Hercules: 10
- Silver robo-bat: -
- [U]Silver skull: -
- Silver Reaper: -
- Demon: -
- Formations: Heart, Bat, Moth, X, Drill, Ring + few ones
- Lasers: 29 LF4 Lvl 16 + 12mio seprom on lasers![/I][/COLOR]
- Shields: 20 Lvl 16
- Pet: lvl 15
- 12 radars lvl 3
- 12 salvage lvl 3
- 12 laser gun lvl 3
- 12 cargo lvl 3
- all modules lvl 3
- Ammo:
- x2: 3mio
- x4: 260k
- sar02: 97k
- yellow hellstorm: 100
- emp: ~2600
- Pilot Points: 44 [1400/1988 for the next]
- Gates opened: x2 zetas, Kuiper, Alpha, Beta, Hades
- Techs: 3 opened!
No trades;
Price little negotiable!
06/13/2016, 12:28
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 157
Received Thanks: 14
80€ +
EDIT: nvm you don't accept trades. Sorry.
06/13/2016, 13:09
elite*gold: 0
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No sorry
06/15/2016, 11:16
elite*gold: 0
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06/15/2016, 11:38
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by CS:GO Beast
ok, paypal?
06/15/2016, 14:41
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 226
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110 if we use Pesho as a middleman? ☺☺☺☺☺
If you want to wait end of month I can give you 120 on PP and only Pesho middleman .. I only trust him. I need time to take my salary.
06/15/2016, 18:56
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 2,869
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Originally Posted by CS:GO Beast
still waiting
Originally Posted by westernN
110 if we use Pesho as a middleman? ☺☺☺☺☺
If you want to wait end of month I can give you 120 on PP and only Pesho middleman .. I only trust him. I need time to take my salary. 
I can try to keep it for you
And yeah, pesho is ok
06/16/2016, 13:09
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 66
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Still for sale?
06/17/2016, 10:33
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 2,869
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