[Selling] [EU] Guild Payouts 500M/1B 11/13/2018 - Black Desert Trading - 0 Replies Hey i'm selling payouts in my guilds which is 500M in each guild on Wednesdays and Sundays if buying both its 1B per week
60€=2x500M Same week (30€ per 500M)
for more information add on discord Jinta#6967
Leave your guild by wednesday 4pm or saturday 4pm
(24h before the payouts)
[Selling] WTS > Big NA payouts 3b+ 10/23/2018 - Black Desert Trading - 14 Replies Selling payouts on NA from 3 Billion to 7.2 Billion.
Delivery is instant and no account information at all is needed.
For details Add me on discord
[Selling] Silv Silv - EU - Guild payouts - EU - Guild payouts , doing 3b + weekly/week , 50eu/b 10/07/2018 - Black Desert Trading - 1 Replies Silv - EU - Guild payouts , doing 3b + weekly/week , 50eu/b ,
Doing guild payouts at eu , 50eu each bil.
Accepting alot of payment methods in , paypal available also.
Message me or add on skype/disc , so you can ask abaut a stock i still can a do that week.
Also if youre got any more questions in.
[Selling] Silv Silv - EU - Guild payouts - EU - Guild payouts , doing 3b + weekly/week , 50eu/b 10/01/2018 - Black Desert Trading - 0 Replies Silv - EU - Guild payouts , doing 3b + weekly/week , 50eu/b ,
Doing guild payouts at eu , 50eu each bil.
Accepting alot of payment methods in , paypal available also.
Message me or add on skype/disc , so you can ask abaut a stock i still can a do that week.
Also if youre got any more questions in.