Refinery Item Giveaway on Dark! 02/26/2011 - Conquer Online 2 - 0 Replies Hello everybody.
On Dark server I'll be giving away a shit ton of refinery items.
Send a whisper to TheLastTsar asking for what you want.
Item Giveaway Event - 9DVN Server 5 12/08/2009 - 9Dragons - 9 Replies I'm not really playing 9DVN anymore I thought I'd start giving away some of what I have. I have plenty of stuff to go around so this won't be a one time thing. Each giveaway task will be done through the forums and not in-game. The rules for each giveaway will vary so make sure you pay attention to them or you'll be disqualified for that particular giveaway. The task for each giveaway is whatever comes to mind. In other words, it can be technical, non-technical, stupid, completely random, or...
Battlefield Heroes Beta Key GiveAway 04/25/2009 - Battlefield - 2 Replies Giving away one Battlefield Heroes Beta Key to the first user with more than 100 posts replying to this topic.
Hurry up ;)