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Professional Video / Fragmovie / Highlights editing

Discussion on Professional Video / Fragmovie / Highlights editing within the Artist Trading forum part of the Other Trading category.

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Professional Video / Fragmovie / Highlights editing


Let me introduce myself first. I am a highly experienced video editor with over 200 videos and a few thousand hours of editing. I used to roll on YouTube back in a days when CoD4 Promod scene was the most played FPS shooter on PC. As well my YouTube was one of the biggest around in that scene and had over 1M views on my videos and 4k subscribers with the partnership from Machinima. That channel was sold for a huge number and I can provide you with the proofs of me owning it.

So to cut the story short and not let my talent go to waste. I can offer you a quality and fast video editing. I do my work mostly in Sony Vegas and Adobe After Effects. I can always take your suggestions and your wishes to a list.

For more info and prices add Skype : EloGainerz
EloGainerz is offline  

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