WTT or Sell Archlord Accounts(47,52,51 lvls) 09/12/2010 - Trading - 20 Replies 47 lvl Zerker Brumhart -------------- available
65 lvl Elementalist ------------available
As the title says wtt or wts ...For wtt ... i am mostly interested at archlord... either exchange of accounts above or game money
if u are interested send me a pm... thx
Archlord and SUN Accounts 08/21/2010 - Archlord Trading - 12 Replies Hi Gamer One Account two Games ^^
I want to sell my LVL 92 Sourcerer on Sylvia and my Mage Account on Klippe to the highest offer i get my Sourcerer is full realm and Unique. Many Realm-Drops in Inventary and other.
Send my a Message for more info
WTT steam accounts for Archlord acc 01/26/2008 - Archlord - 0 Replies Hi, i like to trade my steam account with Valve Complete pack, here is the list with games at:
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
Counter-Strike: Source
Day of Defeat
Day of Defeat: Source
Deathmatch Classic
Half-Life 2