WTT korean archlord account for gold/items on eu3 05/19/2010 - Archlord Trading - 12 Replies ok,i played korean archlord for a bit,and i got back to webzen,so i will trade my working account with lvl 16 sorc,13 scion and 5 archer xD
With about 400k gold.
Nothing of this stuff from account is special,but its really hard to get working account.
Im looking for gold/items/wc on eu3 server.
[WTS] Unique Items on Brumhart or Cyripus 04/20/2009 - Archlord Trading - 3 Replies Hello. Im new here. Im playing Arch about 3 years old. Have some Uniqs and i dont have time for playing now (work, school etc...) I wanna sell some items:
Lilin Necklace - 30 Euro (Empty)
Red Sign ring - 45 Euro (+Stam lvl 3)
Flying Ring - 40 Euro (+Stam lvl 3)
Trade Hero Gold/Items for 9Dragons Gold/Items 06/19/2007 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies Well, I'm willing to trade my hero gold/items level 4Dan 0Kyu (40) for some gold or items in 9Dragons. I'll upload screen shots that you can download of my storage and inventory and mouse over of my equipment. Anything you want really from it can be yours if its a good trade.
Also I'm in the Asura server on 9Dragons.
Forums and ZeroWaitingTime.com were to slow.