swash lvl93(archon)
Ice garb lvl4 stoned + ashtal(4/4)
cf garb lvl4 stoned (3/3) extra 12% sb
cf scabbard lvl4 and 5 stoned (2/2) extra 12% resi
cf gloves lvl6 stoned (2/2) extra attack rating +21 and attackspeed 11%
cf boots lvl3 stoned (2/2) extra dodge 3% **** boots
bg cap might lvl4 stoned (1/1)
elite lvl92 rapier and dagger with ashtals
cf farm weapons
2 crit shutas with 7 and 9 % resi in it
luke with lvl 4 ele cloak
kark with lvl2 ele cloak
darilla with lvl2 ele cloak
brilliant flying
many cc items, 5 serazans, 200% toas ...........
for more informations, pm me