I'm buying a new car, so I have two days left to gather as much money for my down payment as possible to reduce my monthly fee, for that reason I'm selling my 5.500 GS Abolisher for only 400€, the gear is worth around 75,000g. I AM SELLING TO THE FIRST BIDDER.
- 28,200 HP
- 9,255 PDEF
- 3,350 MDEF (Can be easily gemmed to 4.200 with no break gems)
- 34,2% Parry (NO buffs, 64,2% With Battle Focus)
- 27,9% Block (NO buffs, 45,9% With Supplemental Block, 83,9% With Redoubt)
- 1440 Resilience
- 1729 Toughness
- 855 Focus
- Desert Fox Title +20% Swimming Speed (Only obtainable through being a pirate)
- Oathbreaker Plate Costume
- Eternal Defiance (+40% Swimming Speed) + 12% Swimming Speed - Rare Drop
- Eternal World (+90 seconds of Breath) - Rare Drop
- Royal Griffin flying mount (lv 50)
- Midnight Kitsu battle pet (lv 50)
- Harpoon Clipper, Unique Sails, Unique Propellant, Trade Pack Storage
- Merchant Schooner
- Farm Hauler
- Sloth Glider
- 120 Inventory Slots
- Celestial Conviction Helm T4 +20% Stealth Detection, +100 MDEF, 4 Empty Slots
- Celestial Conviction Cuirass T4 +3% Damage Reduction, +480 Resilience, +480 Resilience, +480 Resilience, 3 Empty Slots
- Celestial Epherium Dessert Tassets +9 Stamina, +50 PDEF, +50 PDEF, +50 PDEF
- Celestial Epherium Dessert Vambraces +9 Stamina, +50 PDEF, +50 PDEF, +50 PDEF
- Celestial Conviction Gauntlets T4 +24% Melee Critical Damage, +3% Parry, +1,5% Parry, +1,5% Parry, +1,5% Parry
- Celestial Annihilator's Greaves T4 +335 Toughness, +353 Toughness, +353 Toughness, +353 Toughness, 2 Empty Slots
- Celestial Conviction Sabatons T4 +335 Toughness, +100 MDEF, +2% Movement Speed, +2% Movement Speed, +2% Movement Speed
- Epic Delphinad Twintail Cloak +6% Block, +6% Parry, +1280 MDEF, +60 Stamina, +60 Spirit
- Jade Proven Warrior Necklace (Rank 10)
- Celestial Magnificent Gale Earring +59 MDEF
- Celestial Magnificent Gale Earring +59 MDEF
- Reforged Dream Ring
- Celestial Epherium Lightning Ring +59 MDEF
- Epic Twilight Leaf Shortspear +2% Melee Skill Damage, +285 Focus, +285 Focus, +285 Focus, 4 Empty Slots
- Divine Long Anticipation T5 +2% Block, +2% Block, +1% Block, +1% Block, +1% Block, +1% Block, +1% Block, +1% Block
- Celestial Wanderer's Hymn T4 +2% Ranged Damage, +6 Melee Damage, +0,4% Attack Speed, +0,4% Attack Speed, +0,4% Attack Speed, +0,4% Attack Speed, 1 Empty Slot
- Celestial Singing Scroll T4 +59 MDEF, +60 DEF Pierce, +30 DEF Pierce, +30 DEF Pierce, +30 DEF Pierce, +30 DEF Pierce, +30 DEF Pierce
I am accepting offers on PM