System requirements of the program
Supported OS: Windows 10 1903 and above, Windows 11;
Supported Processors: All;
Game Modes: Frameless;
There is a built-in spoofer, which is a bonus to the cheat. But please note that we are reading what we are selling.
There is a bypass of the OBS record;
You can purchase it online on our website:
For 24 hours - $ 3 [Pay]
For 7 days - $ 15 [Pay]
For 30 days - $ 30 [Pay]
The functionality of the program:
Enable - Enable
Ignore Knocked - Ignore the defeated
Aim Only Visible - Aim only at visible targets
Draw FOV - Display FOV
FOV (slider) - Aiming radius (slider)
Aim Bind - Binding the aiming key
Smooth (slider) - Smoothness (slider)
Second Aim Bind - The second binding of the aiming key
Second Smooth (slider) - The second smoothness (slider)
Lock Target - Lock the target
Aim Bone: Head | Neck | Chest | Stomach | Nearest - Aiming Bone: Head | Neck | Chest | Abdomen | Nearest
RCS Pitch (slider) - Return Angle (RCS) (slider)
RCS Yaw (slider) - Return Offset (RCS) (slider)
Triggerbot - Triggerbot
Trigger Bind - Binding the trigger key
Trigger Delay (slider) - Trigger delay (slider)
Trigger Distance (slider) - The distance of the trigger robot (slider)
Render Distance (slider) - Display distance (slider)
Box (visible and invisible colors) - Box (visible and invisible colors)
Knocked: color - Defeated: color
Skeleton: color - Skeleton: color
Glow (visible and invisible colors) - Backlight (visible and invisible colors)
Name: color - Name: color
Distance: color - Distance: color
Health - Health
Shield - Shield
Weapon: color - Weapon: color
Offscreen (visible and invisible colors) - Offscreen (visible and invisible colors)
Info - Information
Seer is a Visionary
Box Type: Default | Outline | Filled - Box Type: Default | Contour | Filled
Text Background: color - Text background: color
Kills - Murders
Rank - Rank
Lvl Level
Team - The Team
Offscreen Range (slider) - Offscreen Range (slider)
Glow Type: Default | Vis Only | Invis Only | Flat - Backlight Type: Default | Visible Only | Invisible Only | Flat
Skeleton Thickness (slider) - The thickness of the skeleton (slider)
Seer Type: Always | FOV | Distance | FOV & Distance - Seer Type: Always | FOV | Distance | FOV and Distance
Seer Distance (slider) - Seer's Distance (slider)
Weapon Type: Text | Icon - Weapon Type: Text | Icon
Enable - Enable
Category: - Category:
Weapon - Weapon
Gear - Gear
Regen - Restoration
Attachment - Accessory
Ammo Cartridges
Special - Special
Smart Loot - Smart Mining
Enable Smart Loot - Enable smart loot
Ammo (with customize ammo count) - Cartridges (with quantity adjustment)
Custom Loot (with customize all loot) - Custom loot (with all loot settings)
Icon - Icon
Name - Name
Lobe - Share
Glow: color - Backlight: color
Death Box - The Box of death
Distance - Distance
Render Distance: color - Display Distance: color
Text Background: color - Text background: color
Icon Size (slider) - The size of the icon (slider)
Icon Type: Default | Game - Icon Type: Default | Game
Glow Type: Default | Outline | Filled - Backlight Type: Default | Contour | Filled
FOV Changer - Changing the FOV
Auto Grapple - Automatic grabbing
Auto Wall Jump - Automatic wall jump
Auto Super Glide - Automatic Super Glide
Auto Tap Strafe - Automatic quick maneuver
Big Map Radar - Big Map Radar
Spectator Count - The observer counter
Spectator Window Transparency (slider) - Transparency of the observer window (slider)
Battle Mode Key - The battle mode key
FOV Scale (slider) - FOV Scale (slider)
FPS Limit (slider) - FPS Limit (slider)
Show FPS - Show FPS
Load/Save config - Loading/Saving the configuration