need help pls

11/02/2007 07:42 jason1jason#1
i am using the tbot919 and tserverc.ext
it just happen like yesterday.

I am having a problem as im sure a few others are. I got the bot to work 2 - 3 times, but now when i tell it to launch tbot (then sro starts) sro launches, but it just shows that little bar that pops up in the middle of your screen and never launches.

My sro gets stuck at about 213,128K (looking in task manager) and stops, but when u launch sro normally it runs as it should run.

after letting it run for a while to see if it launches it drops down to 2,000K or so

Any idea on what is going on???
11/02/2007 07:46 pedigri112#2
me 2 like that :( help please
11/02/2007 11:39 proboyxd#3
me too help please