Flyff Termination (no crashes) [TUT]

10/31/2007 15:19 321meins#1
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[Release] FlyFF Termination (newest)+Neuz.exe+plugins+guide+Doubleclients.
« on: February 18, 2007, 05:58:55 AM »

Project: FlyFF Termination (v1.50 - GGD2.2) - by nForce


* Updated GameGuard Down (system crashes fixed)!
* Now should support all 32 bit versions of Windows XP!

FlyFF Termination contains various features that provide players with an enhanced and more exciting FlyFF experience. This version provides an advanced teleporation system, with Quick Teleport, and Navigator Teleport. It also includes a skill system, which can be used on targetted movers as well as players themselves. As well, it contains an Auto Revival system and the ability to toggle Object Collision on and off. Finally the quest system, has been included once again. However, all the known vulnerable quests have been patched.

FlyFF Termination now includes an advanced plugin system with an open SDK. Avid C++ programmers who think they have what it takes can now develop plugins for FlyFF Termination. Every loaded plugin will be offered protection by GameGuard Down.

Quick Teleport can be used by double clicking a desired location, after doing so you will be teleported to the selected location. Navigator Teleport is used by selecting a location on the navigator, after which you will teleport to the selected location. To bring up the in game menu press End and to bring up the in game console press Insert.

- Windows XP (32bit)
- .NET Framework 2.0
- DirectX 9.0c
- FlyFF International (eFlyFF) (Latest version)

* - The real media splitter must not be installed, as it will trigger a GameGuard false positive.

You must meet all these requirements before using this software. Do not request help, or report errors, until you are absolutely sure you meet the above requirements!

- Artwork for GameGuard Down by Padizo and nForce
- FlyFF Termination and GameGuard Down by nForce
- Upload to Rapidshare by mate_1146

- DO NOT ask for help about the quest system! It doesn't work!

Description: This is a simple plugin developed for the new plugin system in FlyFF Termination (v1.50). It adds the command DisplayBountyList which once executed will open up the bounty list regardless of server or location.

Instructions: Install the plugin (you must have FlyFF Termination (v1.50) already installed). Once installed, issue the command @DisplayBountyList at console (using Insert), or via the FlyFF communicator window (chat box).

Additional Information: The source code of this plugin has now been attached bellow.

-Packet Logger Plugin This plugin is intended for those who wish to develop plugins only.

Important: Although the plugin system as well as this plugin support received packets, FlyFF Termination does not yet provide plugins with that support. At the moment the receive function points to a stub function, and registering a receive call back does nothing. Please note I will be adding receive support in a future version of FlyFF Termination. For now plugins will be limited to sending packets to the server and capturing packets sent to the server.

Description: This is a simple plugin for FlyFF Termination (v1.50) that sets the lodelight resurrection location to the players current position.

Instructions: Install the plugin (you must have FlyFF Termination (v1.50) already installed). Once installed, issue the command @SetLodelight at console (using Insert), or via the FlyFF communicator window (chat box).

Additional Offset Packs:
Description: This is a FlyFF Termination (v1.50) offset pack for FlyFF Philippines.

Installation: Install the offset pack attached bellow (FlyFF Termination (v1.50) must already be installed). Please be aware, the offset pack installer will switch the region index to 3 (pFlyFF). To switch the region index back to 0, please reinstall FlyFF Termination or change it manually via the region index registry value.

Everyone want to know how FlyFF Termination works. Just start it with the Launcher. Then in game press the 'End' key. And then you see what it can do: Skill system, Teleport system, Quest system (don't work) and a little bot that can heal your MP/FP/HP. Lets see how they work.

Skill system: Just type in your skill's ID and start it.

Nearly nobody knows the skills' ID's.. So here are them.


0 - Clean Hit
1 - Brandish
2 - Overcutter


3 - Splmash
4 - Protection
5 - Pan Barrier
6 - Keenwheel
7 - Bloody Strike
8 - Sneaker
9 - Impower Weapon
10 - Blindside
12 - Reflex Hit
13 - Smite Axe
14 - Axe Mastery
15 - Guillotine


25 - Guard
28 - Rage
23 - Pain Dealer


23 - Silent Strike
24 - Spring Attack
25 - Armor Penetrate
26 - Blade Dance
27 - Hawk Attack
28 - Berserk




23 - Crucio Spell


23 - Iceshark
24 - Stone Spear
25 - Thunder Strike
26 - Firebird
27 - Void
28 - Electric Shock
29 - Windfield
30 - Burning Field
31 - Earthquake
32 - Poison Cloud
33 - Fire Mastery
34 - Lightning Mastery
35 - Earth Mastery
36 - Wind Mastery
37 - Water Mastery
38 - MeteoShower
39 - Lightning Storm
40 - Sand Storm
41 - Blizzard


3 - Slow Step
5 - Pulling
6 - Fast Walker
7 - Yoyo Mastery
8 - Bow Mastery
9 - Dark Illusion
10 - Silent Shot
11 - Crossline
12 - Aimed Shot
13 - Snitch
16 - Perfect Block
18 - Deadly Swing


23 - Enchant Poison
24 - Enchant Blood
25 - Escape
26 - Critical Swing
27 - Backstep
28 - Enchante Asorbe
29 - Hop




3 - Heal
4 - Mental Sign
5 - Patience
6 - Quick Step
7 - Heap Up
8 - Tamping Hole
9 - Ressurection
10 - Haste
11 - Circle Healing
12 - Beef Up
13 - Stonehand
14 - Burst Crack
15 - Cat's Reflex
16 - Prevention
17 - Accuracy
18 - Power Fist
19 - Cannon Ball


23 - Asmodeus
24 - Belial Smashing
25 - Blood Fist
26 - Baraqijal Esna


23 - Holycross
24 - Protect
26 - Gvur Tialla
27 - Holyguard
28 - Spiriture Fortune
29 - Heal Rain
30 - Geburah Tiphreth
31 - Merkaba Hanzelrusha

Teleporter: Type in the co-ordinates where you want to teleport and then press 'Teleport to Coordinates'.

Some coordinates:
2nd job
[Cleric]Tubearto: x=2937, y=98, z=2525
[Cleric]Ruenpharel: x=3415, y=82, z=3312
[Cleric]Febeitoe: x=3611, y=75, z=2741

Quiet Zone: x = 8327,y = 256,z = 2355
Clockworks Arena: x = 3890,y = 59,z = 3925
Dokdo: x = 8217,y = 100,z = 5656
PvP: x = 8491,y = 91,z = 3472
Mines Entrance: x = 5072,y = 55,z = 3964
Flaris Dungeon: x = 7618,y = 155,z = 4275



Aibatt: x=7036, y=110, z=3497
Mushpang: x=7088, y=109, z=3582
Burudeng: x=7166, y=104, z=3598
Demian: x=7351, y=131, z=3694
Pukepuke: x=7013, y=110, z=3715
Doridoma: x=6890, y=100, z=3783
Peakyturtle: x=6579, y=114, z=3638
Lawolf: x=7192, y=155, z=3891
Fefern: x=7214, y=151, z=4107
Nyannyang: x=7451, y=146, z=4122
Bangs: x=7572, y=151, z=4175

Saint Morning

Bangs: x=8424, y=93, z=3335
Flybat: x=8390, y=105, z=3125
Wagsaac: x=8627, y=94, z=3219
Mia: x=8397, y=87, z=2869
Mr. Pumpkin: x=8221, y=104, z=2737
RedMantis: x=8013, y=78, z=2782
GiggleBox: x=7971, y=82, z=2606
JackTheHammer: x=8063, y=86, z=2566
Cardpuppet: x=8645, y=141, z=2562
Totemia: x=8731, y=141, z=2751
DumbBull: x=8947, y=102, z=2426
Bucrow: x=8730, y=97, z=2075
RockMuscle: x=8371, y=104, z=2045
Hobo: x=8025, y=105, z=2016

Death Island

Tombstonebearer: x=8991, y=94, z=4362
Basque: x=9411, y=93, z=4444
Scopicon: x=9127, y=80, z=3980
Prankster: x=9482, y=89, z=3885
Wheelems: x=9570, y=85, z=4156


Carrier bombs: x=4191, y=51, z=4343
Syliaca: x=4611, y=62, z=3884
Crane Machinery: x=5236, y=75, z=3924
Garbagespiders: x=5147, y=53, z=3961
Eldergaurds: x=5004, y=53, z=4150
Volts: x=5286, y=70, z=4248
Drillers: x=5738, y=105, z=4071
Steamwalkers: x=5833, y=58, z=3650
Steelknights: x=5484, y=75, z=3452
NuttyWheel: x=5736, y=106, z=3387
Leyana: x=6042, y=91, z=3985
Risems:x=3165, y=16, z=4700
Zombiger: x=3665, y=57, z=4569
Nuctuvehicle: x=3463, y=40, z=4677
Hoppre: x=2951, y=50, z=4486
Mushpoie: x=2907, y=55, z=4256,
Iren: x=3332, y=61, z=4284
Watangka: x=3087, y=48, z=3999
Antiquery: x=3413, y=34, z=3718
Boo: x=3538, y=49, z=3303
Nautrepy: x=4051, y=36, z=3688
Grrr: x=4076, y=63, z=3013
Dump: x=4030, y=116, z=2723
Gongury: x=3346, y=90, z=2941
Luia: x=3016, y=90, z=3075
Shuhamma: x=3353, y=70, z=2850
Kerns: x=2935, y=99, z=2620
Glaphans: x=3345, y=94, z=2550

How to start Termination?

1. Reinstall FlyFF and let it to update to the newest version, start it, update GameGuard too.

2. Make sure you downloaded ALL updates, launch FlyFF 4-5 times.

3. Put Neuz.exe into FlyFF main folder[overwrite the old one]. [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

4. Put Neuz.ini into FlyFF main folder[overwrite the old one].
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

5. Install FlyFF_Termination__v1.50 with GGD2.2 and all it's plugins.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

-DisplayBountiesPlugin [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
-Source [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Description: This is a simple plugin developed for the new plugin system in FlyFF Termination (v1.50). It adds the command DisplayBountyList which once executed will open up the bounty list regardless of server or location.

Instructions: Install the plugin (you must have FlyFF Termination (v1.50) already installed). Once installed, issue the command @DisplayBountyList at console (using Insert), or via the FlyFF communicator window (chat box).

-Packet Logger Plugin [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Description: This plugin logs all sent packets to a log file saved to the FlyFF directory, named "FlyFF Termination - Packets.log". This plugin is intended for those who wish to develop plugins only.

Important: Although the plugin system as well as this plugin support received packets, FlyFF Termination does not yet provide plugins with that support. At the moment the receive function points to a stub function, and registering a receive call back does nothing. Please note I will be adding receive support in a future version of FlyFF Termination. For now plugins will be limited to sending packets to the server and capturing packets sent to the server.

-SetLodelightPlugin [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
Description: This is a simple plugin for FlyFF Termination (v1.50) that sets the lodelight resurrection location to the players current position.

Instructions: Install the plugin (you must have FlyFF Termination (v1.50) already installed). Once installed, issue the command @SetLodelight at console (using Insert), or via the FlyFF communicator window (chat box).

6. Reboot your PC.

7. Start FlyFF Termination. Works fine and no crashes.

Here's the newest FlyFF Termination with a little guide. Have fun.

Kann mir das einer auf Deutsch erklären? ...Oo habe das so verstanden das es einen AUG hack gibt der noch geht ..nur es ist sehr schwer das zu verstehen Oo soooo ein langen TEXT^^
Naja wer mich helfen kann plZ posten bin noch dabei selbst zu verstehen was dies ist.... ich habs von einem anderen Forum geleecht :D
10/31/2007 15:27 Vulcanraven#2
Ist schon lange patched :/
also close ich hier mal.



Ich rate dir auf k..... du weißt schon nicht rum zusurfen
Warum? Alles voller Viren etc ;)