HP 65k limit, any idea?

02/03/2011 08:46 Alladrios#1
Hello everyone,

On my High Rate server people tend to have a lot of HP to balance a bit the extra power they got. However we've noticed that after 65k HP roughly we start a second hp bar and cant see the HP going down properly while receiving damage.

I've been looking for multiple explanation but didnt really find any solution and to be quite honnest i doubt there's any. Im asking you guys though as you may have ideas i did not have.

My question would be, how to increase the HP limit a single HP bar can have?

If you have any idea please share that would be really appreciated.

02/03/2011 10:22 [GM]Father#2
This is because the variable that stores hitpoints is a smallint,
smallint -2^15 (-32,768) to 2^15-1 (32,767)

You cannot change this.

You will just have to live with the behavior.
02/03/2011 13:47 zargon05#3
How about changing it's data type to int, that way you can store much higher values. In ps_game, I am pretty sure the HP uses a short or unsigned int type.
02/03/2011 18:48 [GM]Father#4
Originally Posted by zargon05 View Post
How about changing it's data type to int, that way you can store much higher values. In ps_game, I am pretty sure the HP uses a short or unsigned int type.
This is actually a problem in the client and you cannot increase that size.