Frostmourne Leveling Bot

10/12/2007 21:03 tttommeke#1
Frostmourne Leveling Bot is a free bot. The bot knows allready all basic functions like : walk, attack, pathrunning,... and will be developed further to more luxefunctions like : looting, stop after X time and more.

The project can be watched over here : [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

Latest updates/progress are always posted in the Announcements section or General.

His current functions are :

- Walk around with pathfiles (can be gliderprofiles)
- Each class has a personal combatsystem and the bot looks if you are done with casting before going to the next
- He will check the mobtype before attacking it and if the type is in the list the bot will attack it (sort of approved list)
- He checks for HP/mana
And even more functions ...

Functions that will come :
- Whisperalert
- Stop after X minutes
- Anti-Stuck
- If mob hp does not decrease after X seconds he will move one.
10/12/2007 22:54 streppel#2
some more information would be great
10/16/2007 21:44 YuenChan#3
Der Bot ist ganz nett, jedoch bekomm ich nach dem Kill eine Fehlermeldung(warscheinlich beim versuch zu looten). Im Forum hab ich gesehn das der Bug bekannt ist und dran gearbeitet wird.
10/17/2007 09:40 maikoldi#4
wie sieht das mit der `sicherheit aus`?
10/17/2007 16:13 Dredd#5
Also das was ich im Forum gelesen hab is den MODīs/Devīs kein bann bekannt .
11/13/2007 12:31 thebaldeagle#6
wo kann ich den bot den downloaden?"?"?!?!?
11/17/2007 12:27 manofsro#7
huh -.-
05/20/2008 10:43 hashtsad#8
btw tht LInk doesnt works ..... change it :P
05/20/2008 11:06 Bot_interesierter#9
Don't push old threads, the project wasn't continued.