Sv questions

07/30/2007 18:26 darkfly2#1
1. Why sv skip picking up items
2.How can i really make it reconnect every sec becuse i check the reconnect but its not really work :(

thats it
07/30/2007 19:47 Master_Mati#2
what cracking method u use... what client version... (eng,sp chin)... etc
07/30/2007 21:42 darkfly2#3
ver the 1 that work with cheat engine and English :X
07/30/2007 21:56 Master_Mati#4
but..WHOS method u used to crack SV? and what SV version u use?
07/30/2007 22:06 darkfly2#5
the versian is the same on what you have on your topic i used an cheat engine then use a ct.file _-_