Archlord Korean/Chinese Bot limited edition/

09/18/2007 15:42 Datenshi#31
If you pull that off ill give you a cyberkiss
09/18/2007 17:18 Psyborg#32
Oui jsui fr :)

Merci t'es fort :)
09/21/2007 12:42 shyrya#33
then i have tried to do a little translation of acxo but failed with:
lingobit localiser
alchemy catalyst
and hackman
(they found cursor bitmap icon but no string)

-.- now the only way to translate that its a friend chinese or decrypt hex(crypted-.-) and translate
soooo long rofl

ps(maybe other solution : acxo have do a translation limited of acxo 1.25 into italian for a special member,if any1 know more about that...?)
09/21/2007 15:49 shyrya#34
lol i have search the price by month for acxo... 120 yen : 15 $ -.- we really need to translate and hack this bot :D
09/22/2007 17:17 Psyborg#35
Au fait tu en es où sur tes projets ?
09/22/2007 17:30 shyrya#36
jpense que je vais laissé tomber acxo et me concentrer sur les fichier ini et wpe pro je verrais aprés (un pote a aussi essayé mais pareil :0 et puis la sa fait 3 jours que je suis dessus donc sa me saoule un peu ^^)
en plus je boss pas que sur ce mmo donc faut contenter tt le monde ^^
tu sera au courant si ya des newzs ttk :)
09/22/2007 17:31 Psyborg#37
Merci beaucoup ! C'est sympa !

Thanks you a lot
09/24/2007 16:24 Chunlee#38
Notice:We developed on our own hacks for Archlord, it has nothing related to free bots you can get outhere, furthermore do not affiliates us with other program that has nothing to do with us shyrya, you do not have a faintest idea how our hacks works only those who have acquires licences for our hacks know the capabilities of our hacks.Our hacks are in 2 version Chinese and Koreans before making assumptions one should read carefully the content of a post.
09/24/2007 19:05 shyrya#39
psyborg stop to thx me for all my post plz.(thx for good post ok but not for all^^)
chunlee i think u can go away from this forum we don't want pay for ure soft.
before making assumptions one should read carefully the content of a post.
read a little more topics of this forum i think u can go away ,we don't want pay for bot/xploit and with ure price...
09/24/2007 22:57 Matureman#40
Yeh, i saw Psyborg just thanks you-.- if youre bored thank me too:D
09/25/2007 18:29 teunnl#41
xD No we hate 2 pay what do we need translated manual or code's ?
09/26/2007 00:26 shyrya#42
i have searched manual for 3 day in lots of chinese website but nothing found -.- and the translation(localisation)of this bot is not possible by normal way (localisation software and unassembler)we can translate that only with uncrypt+recode hex and its a long way^^or chinese friend(sexy??? :D)
09/26/2007 01:00 Matureman#43
We have a grill next to us with chinese ppl:D

but i dont dare to go and ask:/ theyre pissed. friend of mine went there and when they asked, what he'll take. He Said "Blowjob". after that some old chinese woman ran out of the grill with a brush and started beating him:/
09/26/2007 03:39 Chunlee#44
Update 26/09/2007
Archproxy hax
-Stealth check -update.Enable stealhmode -on/off or auto.
-Bug fix.Co-ordinate scan now function with teleport.
09/26/2007 10:01 nvstoned#45
you should give customers a trail period to use the bot to see if its any good and u'll gain tons of customers, with the silkroad (isrobot) it was free in the beginning to make its name