ZSZC Bot Insurance?

11/28/2010 07:11 ViolaViola#1
So I couldn't help but notice ZSZC's forum section "Bot reports" has no complaints from ZSP buyers. I see tons and tons of threads of the usual retards with their half assed illiteracy and the famous excuse "it was my little brother". However I have NOT ONCE seen a SINGLE thread of someone bitching that they just payed for ZSP or threats of a chargeback. I've used Paypal for over 10 years and the buyer always has the first rights. I learned that the hard way.

So if you buy ZSP, are you more secure to bot then if not? Can someone confirm this? Has anyone been banned that's bought ZSP from them?
11/28/2010 12:47 [B]ase[J]umP#2
havent been banned so far concidering i bot every day for like 5-6 hours.
and i havent bought a single zsp in zszc
11/28/2010 14:15 bibiron#3
if you bot and gm appear near, you dont give any response, u will get ban. gm banned a lot of players so far, so most likely u get ban in cave or when you bot in samarkand at 100+, they dont bother lower than 90. so u can buy zsp, but that dont guarantee you free boting...
11/28/2010 14:22 Phoenix_°#4
was like in isro in the old days buy silk and u wont get banned for botting as lon as they earn money from u the wont harm u thats the truth all they want is to get rich ;)
11/28/2010 23:24 ViolaViola#5
I dunno, a guildmate of mine was harassed/accused of botting by a GM a few days ago and he wasn't even botting. They responded right away and everything. I was even talking to him in guild chat at the time. Apparently this happened to several people as well.

bibiron's response seems to be the most sensible.

Ban a few unpaying bots to make it look like they're doing something? I know that guy Narco bots and other capped players that bot that have baught shit tons of ZSP.

I dunno, I've used paypal for a long time and I know the buyer always has the right away and charging back is easy.
11/29/2010 15:52 paappa#6
ZSZC is filled with botters that don't buy ZSP. You must be really really unlucky if you get banned.
11/30/2010 03:20 ViolaViola#7
Originally Posted by paappa View Post
ZSZC is filled with botters that don't buy ZSP. You must be really really unlucky if you get banned.
I've not been banned but the GM's ARE banning bots apparently. I guess this post could also server as a warning that the GM's are indeed looking for botters.

I'm just confused as to why I never see any chargeback threats in the bot report section of their forums. Idiots threaten chargebacks too and since there is plenty of idiots there.

A mystery.