QOPROXY, is this true or false?

04/27/2007 21:22 marhazk2#1
TQ said,


Protect Your Accounts: Keep Away From Bots!

Source:Official Posted on:2007-4-25 0:41:00

Recently, there are some scammers who offer links to a certain bot named aimbot (Qoproxy) in game and claim they have been authorized by TQ. Once players believe them and download the bots they provide, their accounts will be stolen by the keylogger in aimbot.

We seriously declare that any form of bots is strictly forbidden at all events. Never believe any notice of bots or macro programs, or you will run a risk of losing items or accounts. In addition, you will not be able to enjoy the customer service you deserve if you are hacked for using bots with keylogger.

Please protect your account carefully, keep away from any form of bots and play the game fairly! For protecting account, please refer here to learn good advices on avoiding being hacked.
For infos, [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

Question: Is this true or false what they said about? Ive no idea about this.
04/27/2007 21:44 joek#2
Duh, yeah most versions of Qoproxy have had a keylogger added to the original code for a long time now, not new news. Its not something the original writer put in but rather something the many re-releasers of his code added.
04/27/2007 22:13 paperplates#3
My first char that had nothing on it got deleted and someone posted *doomsday* on the message board so if you see anyone with the word *doomsday* on the message board then they used the bot and they got their character taken away.
04/27/2007 22:43 Zeko#4
all cheats and hacks that have a link in CO message board have keyloggers in it ;)
04/27/2007 22:49 .bmg#5
its true
04/27/2007 23:27 DM2000#6