04/17/2007 11:34 pietjepuck#1
hello guys.

there is a question i would like to ask yall.
becouse there is this doomsday crap going on.
is boboproxy safe to use or does it also have keylogger?

i used packet monitor and dint find anything but would be cool if anyone could post what they think.

thanks in advance
04/17/2007 14:24 Nikola~FTW#2
what is boboproxy o.0?
04/17/2007 14:28 .bmg#3
check if its pinned or if mod scanned it and said its k coz idun remember right now BUT i think its clears and safe
04/17/2007 14:59 GrimReaper91#4
i think i saw its clean
04/17/2007 18:21 DM2000#5

Is safe.
You could packet sniffering it if you would.

You could see the detail at Linklist too.