Avoid a ban for Account1

03/06/2007 00:23 Soulwinter#1
Following situation...

You own 2 Accounts:
-> MAINACCOUNT for playing your main character free from any cheats, exploits, blahblah
-> BOTACCOUNT for hacking, scamming, botting, blahblah (doing all the right stuff bwahaha :x)

Now you login with account BOTACCOUNT. You bot and cheathacklamepwnomgfufu and stuff - now imagine you will be nabbed by blizzard. They wont only ban you BOTACCOUNT, no - they may also ban your MAINACCOUNT cuz our friends @blizzraRd also looking for other accs you used to login from your client.

Dude thay cannut do tat d00d3 omgwhack! How 2 prevent!?

The "Im lazy" way (nearly no chance to prevent "familybanning"*)
* w00t invented nuw slangwRd

-> Delete you WDB and WTB folders, also your configuration file
-> Make a 1:1 copy of your wow client and place it somewhere else
-> Use 1 client for BOTACCOUNT, other client for MAINACCOUNT, never both at the same time, k?

The "Okay, Im taking it fucking seriously (almost hehe)" way

-> Install another OS on ur computar, winXP for example. Yeah ur right, running 2 OSs @ 1 comp
-> For botting use the new and fresh installed OS, bot maining (lol) your oldschool OS

Note: You have to know how to partition ur HDD and how to make ur systumz multiboot-rdy

In both cases: Change your IP address when changing the account, keke? Thanks doomy, I rly forgot that.

Any suggestions? Post 'em here!
03/06/2007 01:02 doomy#2
Und trotzdem die selbe Ip verwenden ;)

Zwei WoW Cleinten schön und gut, aber solang dich immer wieder von der selben Ip eiloggst mit beiden Accs oder gar die selben Benutzerdaten beim erstellen eingegeben hast Hilft das recht wenig.
03/06/2007 01:10 Soulwinter#3
03/06/2007 06:21 c0cAiN#4
I did some stuff with more than 2 Accounts... 1 Acc got fucked up -> Nothing happened with my other accs. (Without doing anything you posted in your startpost.) :>
03/06/2007 07:29 triris#5
Hmm....Sure they can ban both Accounts?
For example:
I botted with my Account - k, they may ban him
My brother also has an Account - same IP Adress, only the Name in the Adress Field is an other. He never botted or cheated in any way. I don't think they'll ban his acc...
03/06/2007 09:31 Soulwinter#6
I guess they check up the Owner of the account. So they wont ban every Account u ever used lol ;D

cocain: They may only fuck you up when you send you something from BOTACCOUNT to MAINACCOUNT, I dont know. But I know they ever try to get you MAINACCOUNT whatever you do with other accounts.
03/06/2007 15:32 Chronnox#7
Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich das man die selbe IP länger als 24 Stunden behält, wer danach immer noch dieselbe IP hat, hat zuviel Geld und kann sich locker nen neuen Account leisten.

Ausserdem schonmal dran gedacht Steine für 1000g ins AH zu stellen und diese dann vom Hack Account kaufen zu lassen?
03/07/2007 04:25 JohnDS#8
But I know they ever try to get you MAINACCOUNT whatever you do with other accounts.
Why do you know this?

I know, that they only ban the Botaccount. Not the Mainacc, too.

Only if the Bot/cheatAccount was a TestAccount. then the ban the Mainaccount, too.
03/07/2007 09:33 c0cAiN#9
They don't ban Mainaccs.
I was using more than 2 accs, whispering myself (AutoInvite AddOn, for the Scholomance thingy with bwh)
03/07/2007 10:27 Soulwinter#10
Originally posted by JohnDS@Mar 7 2007, 04:25
But I know they ever try to get you MAINACCOUNT whatever you do with other accounts.
Why do you know this?

I know, that they only ban the Botaccount. Not the Mainacc, too.

Only if the Bot/cheatAccount was a TestAccount. then the ban the Mainaccount, too.
I noticed on a few accounts. This is why i wrote this. =D

Im wondering about the "we ban the other account, too" - method. Would nice to know how it works.
03/07/2007 15:20 Syne#11
Ich glaube nicht das Blizz dann nur deinen Bot Acc band.
Den sie loggen ja deine Hardware ID. (Wann diese mit welchen Account Online war)
Die Hardware ID kannst du auch nicht ändern. (außer wenn du immer z.B. die Grafikkarte etc. pro Acc wechselst xD)

Meine Idee wäre da dann VMWare.

03/08/2007 09:35 JohnDS#12
Ihr könnt das ruhig alles machen.

Aus Erfahrungsberichten meinerseits und von vielen anderen ist aber bekannt, dass NIE der 2. Main Acc gebannt wird.

Nur wenn der Bot Acc ein Test acc war.
03/08/2007 11:09 NoName#13
blizzard ist eine firma, firmen wollen profit, alle handlungen die die durchführen basieren darauf mehr profit zu machen.

wieso sollten die ne mainacc bannen der clean ist, das wäre weniger profit. (man könnte ja evtl dann ganz aufhören)

Botter werden nur gebannt, weil die erstmal inner regel eh neue accs kaufen = mehr profit und ausserdem wenn überall gebottet würden normale leute wohl aufhören würden = weniger profit.