The art of stacking

01/24/2007 21:55 horneyegg#1
Hey guys ive been playing for a while but i stil cant master stacking :( :ops:

today i put my archer ontop of my tro...

and tro still got killed..

Are there any hints or anything that will help getting stuff inline or watever..??

01/24/2007 22:41 bgreen#2
sit on him, and kill all 'old' monsters that is on the spawn
01/24/2007 22:49 .bmg#3
u got go off screen with ur stacker... than stack =p
01/24/2007 23:15 kurdath#4
I stack my noobs with my warrior & use my archer to plevel em.. I do the following procedure.

1) Place the noob at the (x,y) coordinate that I wish the stack to be located at.

2) Hop "off-screen" with the stacker, then hop back and make stacker do a RUN & SIT so that stacker sits on noob; (stacker placed at same x,y as noob).

3) repeat 1 & 2 for as many noobs.

PS: if ur stacker is in a guild, and any of the "stacked noobs" is in a guild, then there will be an obvious overlap of the player names, if the stacking is done right. confirming x,y coordinates for both noob and the stacker, is just for verification..

hope dat helps :)
01/24/2007 23:27 horneyegg#5
Oh ok thankyou never new i had to go off screen :P

And do i have to kill all old monsters like somone said ?
01/24/2007 23:37 masterkos#6
and if u dont want warrior's to dash your stack, stack in a ghost.
that works for me
01/25/2007 00:41 metricsystem#7
you walk until your names are crossing from you and from noob , then sit voila , it"s a much easier way then looking at the coordinates every time
01/25/2007 00:55 site#8
sit the noob, go outta the area come back, run and sit
01/25/2007 09:18 Silent-Death#9
the only reason u have to leave screen is bcuz of the CO visual bug.. sometimes it looks like u`re sitting next to stack but u`re on top of it and vice-versa.. i usualy dont just jump off screen, i jump 2 screens.. i go in an area where if i would kill mobs the stack wont get exp, figures for me that is a good distance to refresh the co visuals.. also the noobs under the stacker should do as less actions as possible. stiggers should stig and meditate when mobs are not near stack or when they already hit stacker from all points.. when u move u have some spots of the char that get in vulnerable places.. stacker dont get afk for a long while for 2 reasons:
1. restack might be needed
2. gear durability.
first reason is a good reason for all in stack not to afk.. it`s agravating for the plvler :/
01/25/2007 12:39 horneyegg#10
ok will test this out ty !